So you're thinking of joining us?

Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch to invite you to a couple of taster sessions.
Have you checked out our Traning, Venues and Membership Pages yet? These will provide you all the information you need to know about joining. If you can make it to our sessions please fill out the contact form.
I am applying for... Athlete's First Name Athlete's Surname Athlete's Date of Birth Athletes Age Athletes Address Parent / Guardian's Details (U18's) E-mail Contact Number Running Experience Tell us about any previous involvement in Athletics / Running
Is there any specific medical conditions we should know about?
If yes please provide detials.
I declare that I am fit, healthy and able to take part in the sport of athletics and if necessary I have consulted with my GP
I Agree
Larkhall YMCA Harriers may use my image on Club Website, Print or Social Media Platforms
I Agree
I do not Agree