We train up to 4 times per week depending on competition schedules. 
In the winter Juniors & Seniors will often travel to the Emirates Arena for training which is further away and has a higher cost, This is communicated in advance and we try not to do this too often, however it does provide excellent training opportunities for our athletes. Please see our venue page (link below) to see the most up to date costs and venue details. Saturday & Sunday training is scheduled around competitions and other factors and so can be subject to change. This will be communicated weekly by coaches via our private Whatsapp group. Below is a rough guide to our current training schedule; 


On Tuesdays Seniors & Juniors train at the John Wright Sports Centre, East Kilbride, on the Running Track.

  • 7.15pm-9pm 

  • £2.50 per session

This is where we do our Speed Work / Intervals / Track Session. Don't worry if you run at a slower pace or if you think you're not fast, its all relative. The track is for everyone of all abilities, you work hard at your own fast pace for the specified time, rest, then go again... watch as your fitness increase rapidly! 

*Mini Harriers Train at the YMCA Hall at 6pm-7pm - £2.00 per session


On Thursdays, Seniors and High School Athletes train at the YMCA Hall in Larkhall. Our Primary School age athletes will train at Larkhall Academy. 

  • 7pm-9pm

  • £2.50 per session

We begin with a warm up consisting of a short, easy jog, then some dynamic stretching. We then move on to plyometrics and strength work followed by some circuits. After that, its out for the run!

The run varies from week to week and can be anywhere between 2-6 miles of steady / tempo running. The distance you do will be determined each week based on your current level of ability.    


Saturday training is open to Seniors & Juniors and is usually within the Larkhall area or Chatherlerault Country Park, depending on what were are training towards at that time.

  • 10:30-1200

  • £2.50 per session

The sessions could be; 

  • Hill Sessions

  • Sled Pulls

  • Cross Country Reps 

  • Interval work

The session is confirmed in advance each week via out Whatsapp group.


On Sundays our Senior group self organise a Social Long Run. Usually starting from Larkhall or the surrounding villages. 

  • 8am

  • £Free

The senior group have a separate group chat for organising their long runs and someone takes a turn at deciding a route etc. The group will do differing distances along the same route and usually break in to small groups of equal pace. The idea is that its a slower easy run to build endurance and we all run together. Nobody should be running alone.